Creation of a rich storyworld is an essential part of developing a transmedia property. These questions (and others over the few posts) can guide a creator in putting together such a storyworld. Is the story fiction, non-fiction, or a hybrid (i.e. an integration of fictional and non-fictional elements)? (Storyworld LevelContinue Reading

Effective calls-to-action can encourage users to move through a transmedia story, while ineffective ones can discourage user interaction with the narrative. These questions about calls-to-action should be asked (and answered) during the design process. Is each call-to-action designed to provide both immediate and long-term connections if users don’t go toContinue Reading

User interaction is an important element of many transmedia stories. Answering these questions will help in design of that interaction. Has an interaction decision plan been developed for the transmedia narrative? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks) Does the transmedia narrative’s entry point call-to-action provide users the appropriate amount of information forContinue Reading

Effective human centered design of a transmedia story will make it easier for users to navigate the narrative. These questions provide a starting point for transmedia project designers. How will the transmedia narrative system infrastructure be designed to ensure coherence? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks) How will the transmedia narrative systemContinue Reading

User participation in a transmedia story can take many forms. These questions will help clarify what user participation for a transmedia project will be like. Will the transmedia narrative focus on individual participation? Shared participation? What benefit will individual versus shared participation provide? How will the transmedia narrative encourage sharedContinue Reading

User engagement is an essential part of any transmedia project. Designing that engagement requires the transmedia project team to make a number of key decisions. These key questions should be answered at the appropriate stage of the transmedia design process. What level of user engagement does the transmedia narrative seekContinue Reading

Events are a change in the state of an entity such as a setting, character, or an element of the larger storyworld. The elements and properties of events are: Internal: An internal event is a psychological change that occurs in a character, typically as a result of an interaction withContinue Reading

A setting is the backdrop within which a narrative occurs, but it goes far beyond the physical characteristics of a place in which events happen. Settings occur on both the storyworld and individual story levels. Settings at both levels are similar, but are differentiated by scope and the level ofContinue Reading

Campbell’s structure of the hero’s journey has been adapted and used by many writers. Numerous examples of modified versions of the hero’s journey exist, but most retain the essential steps identified by Campbell. One such modified version is included in 45 Master Characters: Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters, whichContinue Reading

Campbell identified the three stages of the journey as departure, initiation, and return. Within those three stages, Campbell identified a series of steps (Campbell, 1949, pp. ix-x): Departure: The departureis the first of the three stages of the hero’s journey and consists of five steps: Call to Adventure: The call toContinue Reading