The time it takes to make a jump (traversal time) can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the call-to-action. Three traversal time factors have been identified (Dena, 2007): Pacing: The pacing is the amount of time that elapses between calls-to-action. Pacing can affect the user at both theContinue Reading

The flexibility of 3D computer graphics makes them an attractive option for developing images for transmedia narratives. Let’s imagine that we were developing a story in which our protagonist was conducting an investigation in a set of mysterious events. Our initial idea was to have her check out a dojoContinue Reading

Computer graphics (CG) and 3D modelling are providing new options for the creation of still images for transmedia stories. In the past, you either took photos or created images by hand using pencils, inks, or paint. The emergence of increasingly sophisticated 3D modelling software over the past two decades hasContinue Reading

The preliminary interaction/call-to-action plan provides a detailed narrative description of the elements identified on the user journey diagram. This plan should highlight the calls-to-action of each key interaction. The four elements of the call-to-action are a simplification of the structure of perceptual opportunities outlined by Earnshaw and Vince (Earnshaw &Continue Reading

A user journey diagram and its accompanying notes show how a user might move through a transmedia narrative. Time is mapped on the horizontal axis and the media channel or platform is on the vertical axis. The diagram provides a clear picture of the dependencies and bridges between each componentContinue Reading

A storyteller alone in front of audience has a human voice, some gestures and facial expressions, and perhaps a few simple props to tell the story with. The creators of a multimillion dollar Hollywood epic film, on the other hand, have the full range of modern technology to tell theContinue Reading