Transmedia narratives provide an opportunity to engage more senses than a story told using a single medium. When developing a transmedia project, these questions provide a starting point for addressing how the five human senses can be engaged. What are the visual characteristics of the setting? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks)Continue Reading

Ethos is the “explicit and implicit ethics of the world and (moral) codex of behavior which characters in the world are supposed to follow” (Klastrup & Tosca, 2004). It is the knowledge needed to “know how to behave in the world” and that defines what is acceptable or inappropriate behavior inContinue Reading

Topos is the setting of the world in a specific period and detailed geography (a futuristic technological world in science fiction, the middle ages with magical elements in fantasy, or a crime-ridden underworld in a detective/gangster story). These questions should be answered as you develop your storyworld. Is the toposContinue Reading

Mythos is the established conflicts and battles of the world, the characters of that world, its stories and rumors, and its creatures. This is the “back-story of all backstories” – the “central knowledge needed to interact with or interpret the events in the world successfully” (Klastrup & Tosca, 2004). WhenContinue Reading

Creation of a rich storyworld is an essential part of developing a transmedia property. These questions (and others over the few posts) can guide a creator in putting together such a storyworld. Is the story fiction, non-fiction, or a hybrid (i.e. an integration of fictional and non-fictional elements)? (Storyworld LevelContinue Reading

Transmedia storytelling is, by its very nature, involves multiple forms of media. The selection of media for a project should be carefully thought out. These questions will help with media selection. What media are used for the transmedia narrative (video, audio, text, still images, etc.)? Are the media selected appropriateContinue Reading

Understanding what is the the information field for a transmedia story can make the message more effective. This questions should be answered when looking at the narrative’s information fields. What is the intended message(s) in the information field? (Scene/Sequence Level Design Tasks) What unintended message(s) are in the information field?Continue Reading

Effective calls-to-action can encourage users to move through a transmedia story, while ineffective ones can discourage user interaction with the narrative. These questions about calls-to-action should be asked (and answered) during the design process. Is each call-to-action designed to provide both immediate and long-term connections if users don’t go toContinue Reading

User interaction is an important element of many transmedia stories. Answering these questions will help in design of that interaction. Has an interaction decision plan been developed for the transmedia narrative? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks) Does the transmedia narrative’s entry point call-to-action provide users the appropriate amount of information forContinue Reading

Effective human centered design of a transmedia story will make it easier for users to navigate the narrative. These questions provide a starting point for transmedia project designers. How will the transmedia narrative system infrastructure be designed to ensure coherence? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks) How will the transmedia narrative systemContinue Reading