While the storyworld is an essential part of a transmedia narrative, it is the individual stories that keep the audience involved. These questions can serve as a guide when creating the story: Does this story serve as a “point of entry” to the storyworld? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks) What isContinue Reading

Transmedia storytelling is, by its very nature, involves multiple forms of media. The selection of media for a project should be carefully thought out. These questions will help with media selection. What media are used for the transmedia narrative (video, audio, text, still images, etc.)? Are the media selected appropriateContinue Reading

Effective calls-to-action can encourage users to move through a transmedia story, while ineffective ones can discourage user interaction with the narrative. These questions about calls-to-action should be asked (and answered) during the design process. Is each call-to-action designed to provide both immediate and long-term connections if users don’t go toContinue Reading

User interaction is an important element of many transmedia stories. Answering these questions will help in design of that interaction. Has an interaction decision plan been developed for the transmedia narrative? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks) Does the transmedia narrative’s entry point call-to-action provide users the appropriate amount of information forContinue Reading

User participation in a transmedia story can take many forms. These questions will help clarify what user participation for a transmedia project will be like. Will the transmedia narrative focus on individual participation? Shared participation? What benefit will individual versus shared participation provide? How will the transmedia narrative encourage sharedContinue Reading

The designer of a transmedia narrative should be prepared to answer a series of key questions about the project being developed. The answers to these questions, along with the process laid out in this blog, will help with the complex task of designing a transmedia story. Does the proposed transmediaContinue Reading

Cognitive maps are the result of a type of mental processing in which a user acquires, codes, stores, recalls, and decodes information about things of interest in their environment. When used in the navigation of transmedia narratives, cognitive maps allow the “mind’s eye” to visualize the relative location of andContinue Reading

The designer of a transmedia narrative needs to design with an awareness of the entire information field that the user will be in so the narrative can cut through the informational clutter. Every narrative unit and call-to-action must have a clearly identified message the design wants to communicate. That intendedContinue Reading

When designing calls-to-action, designers need to consider the impact of these jumps on the user’s ability to both navigate the narrative and understand its meaning. Among the questions that the designer should address are how to manage the impact of jumps between art forms like (Dena, 2007): Representative arts andContinue Reading

Every call-to-action needs to have a retainer. A retainer serves two functions: It provides the user with a “reward” for using the connector It moves the user into the next unit of the narrative The call-to-action’s motivator and connector made “promises” to the user. The retainer is where those promisesContinue Reading