Most transmedia narratives engage vision and hearing but few engage all five senses because of the current technological limitations. As noted in the discussion of location-dependent narratives, all of the senses can be engaged by putting the user into a physical location. Other techniques have been used (e.g. sending outContinue Reading

Engaging a user at an emotional level (affective participation) can be extremely effective in keeping that user involved with the transmedia narrative. Users who are emotionally invested in a story are likely to be loyal fans. The emotional hook for a user may come from within the story itself. AnContinue Reading

The transmedia designer should be aiming for active participation across all elements of the transmedia narrative in order to sustain a high level of user engagement. Active participation increases the users’ incentive to migrate across the media and platforms and reduce the friction associated with that migration. The degree ofContinue Reading

At the scene/sequence level media selection involves matching individual scenes and sequences to the most appropriate media. The detailed storyboard should indicate the medium used for each scene. Translating information across media can present transmedia designers with signification challenges. For example, visual language – the tight integration of images, shapes,Continue Reading

The preliminary interaction/call-to-action plan provides a detailed narrative description of the elements identified on the user journey diagram. This plan should highlight the calls-to-action of each key interaction. The four elements of the call-to-action are a simplification of the structure of perceptual opportunities outlined by Earnshaw and Vince (Earnshaw &Continue Reading

Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the first (transmedia project) and second (storyworld) level design tasks. Once work at these levels is substantially complete, it is time to move on to the next level of tasks. The third level of design tasks occurs at the storyContinue Reading

User engagement with a transmedia narrative emerges from or is affected by a) level of user engagement, b) user agency, c) human-centered design factors, and d) user participation on multiple levels. This post is the second of two parts that look at the elements that influence user engagement and theContinue Reading

User engagement with a transmedia narrative emerges from or is affected by a) level of user engagement, b) user agency, c) human-centered design factors, and d) user participation on multiple levels. This post is the first of two parts that look at the elements that influence user engagement and theContinue Reading

Wireframes allow designers to create the structural elements of the transmedia narrative project’s interfaces. A wireframe typically lays out the position and function of major components on web pages, applications, game scenes, and printed materials. A wireframe is an early planning document and will often be the basis for moreContinue Reading