The magazine business is in the midst of a period of transition. Sales are slumping as readers — particularly younger readers — move from print to digital media. Cosmopolitan is looking for new strategies for engaging digital readers; storytelling is at the heart of those new strategies. This is notContinue Reading

The emergence of transmedia storytelling presents a tremendous opportunity to those working professionally to shape visions of the future. Shaping the future means shaping popular perceptions of the future and transmedia storytelling can be a powerful tool for doing that. Over the past two decades I’ve used a lot of differentContinue Reading

Transmedia storytelling provides an opportunity to integrate both intellect and emotion into a single powerful package. This ability to touch audiences in both ways can make transmedia storytelling particularly effective when looking at issues dealing with social change and the future. Transmedia storytelling techniques have been used in a numberContinue Reading

In an upcoming article in the Journal of Futures Studies I talk about the role transmedia storytelling can play in the field of futures studies. Transmedia storytelling provides new opportunities to shape personal narratives. As we integrate data and information with context and experience the knowledge and wisdom that weContinue Reading

Last fall I wrote an article that combines two fields that I am deeply interested in — transmedia storytelling and futures studies. It is scheduled for publication in the Journal of Futures Studies in March. This abstract lays out the basic premise of the article. Foresight professionals and the futuresContinue Reading

While the storyworld is an essential part of a transmedia narrative, it is the individual stories that keep the audience involved. These questions can serve as a guide when creating the story: Does this story serve as a “point of entry” to the storyworld? (Storyworld Level Design Tasks) What isContinue Reading

Understanding what is the the information field for a transmedia story can make the message more effective. This questions should be answered when looking at the narrative’s information fields. What is the intended message(s) in the information field? (Scene/Sequence Level Design Tasks) What unintended message(s) are in the information field?Continue Reading

User engagement is an essential part of any transmedia project. Designing that engagement requires the transmedia project team to make a number of key decisions. These key questions should be answered at the appropriate stage of the transmedia design process. What level of user engagement does the transmedia narrative seekContinue Reading

The designer of a transmedia narrative should be prepared to answer a series of key questions about the project being developed. The answers to these questions, along with the process laid out in this blog, will help with the complex task of designing a transmedia story. Does the proposed transmediaContinue Reading

The designer of a transmedia narrative needs to design with an awareness of the entire information field that the user will be in so the narrative can cut through the informational clutter. Every narrative unit and call-to-action must have a clearly identified message the design wants to communicate. That intendedContinue Reading