Understanding the changes happening in the news industry can provide valuable insights into trends that are likely to impact fiction and non-fiction transmedia storytelling.


A recent report from the Pew Research Center provides new information on what is happening with digital video and digital video news in the United States. News audiences have been shifting for decades first from newspapers and news magazines to network television news programs than to cable news shows and now to digital news.

In its State of the News Media 2014 report , the Pew Research Center found:

  • Digital video advertising is still a relatively small market but is growing rapidly
  • Digitial video consumption is growing rapidly and digital news video consumption is growing with it
  • Young adults consume more digital video and digital news video that older adults
  • Highly educated and wealthier people are more likely to watch digital news video
  • User-generated content is becoming part of the digital news video experience

The full report is available from the Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project.

If you want to get good solid data on the media in America, Pew has an extensive Media and News Indicators Database.

For example, you will find data on the number of Internet users — broken down by ethnicity — who primarily use cell phones to access the net. The numbers — 60% of Hispanics, 43% of non-Hispanic blacks, and 27% of non-Hispanic Whites.