Caitlyn 1024a
Figure 2 (Image by Peter von Stackelberg)
Caitlyn 1024b
Figure 1 (Image by Peter von Stackelberg)
Caitlyn 1024d
Figure 4 (Image by Peter von Stackelberg)
Caitlyn 1024c
Figure 3 (Image by Peter von Stackelberg)

3D computer graphics give you a lot of flexibility when working with transmedia story scenes.

In the first pair of images (Figure 1) taken from the same 3D scene, small changes in facial expressions and camera position can result in an image that tells a very different story. A minor change in facial expression – specifically the position of the jaw and lips – along with lighting and framing of the image by changing the location of the virtual camera in the 3D software change the emotion conveyed in the images.

The color tones in an image affect its emotional impact. The second set of images (Figure 2) are identical except for the tones. The cooler tones (blues, greens, and purples) in the top image are starker and evoke a chilling feeling. The warmer (more red, yellow, and orange) tones of the bottom image evoke feelings of being cozy and warm…which is at odds with the posture and expressions of our character. Look carefully at how you use color to enhance the emotional experience of your audience.