The second level of design tasks occurs at the storyworld level (see table below). At this level, the storyworld is created, level of user engagement and degree of user agency determined, and high level transmedia narrative’s interactions are documented.

Design at the storyworld level is an iterative process in which the overall transmedia project design evolves as the author works through the various steps of the narrative, engagement, and interaction design. New information or changes in one design area can lead to changes in the other design areas as well.

Storyworld Level Design Tasks
Narrative Design
Engagement Design
Interaction Design
  • Create storyworld
  • Develop storyworld tagline
  • Select storyworld genre
  • Determine if storyworld is fictional, non-fictional, or hybrid
  • Create characters
  • Create significant object(s)
  • Create events
  • Create settings
  • Develop storyworld synopsis
  • Determine desired level of user engagement
  • Determine degree of user agency
  • Determine user control of characters
  • Determine user role (internal or external)
  • Apply principles of human centered design
  • Develop “rules of engagement” synopsis
  • Develop design aesthetic
  • Develop style guides
  • Develop preliminary wireframes
  • Determine entry points to transmedia narrative project
  • Map storyworld level navigation